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Our own canned marinara sauce and plums
Lately, most of my calls with my mom include her telling me once or more that she’s so glad ONE of her daughters learned how to can. Take that, four sisters! I win–mom likes me best! I have put her instruction to good use, unlike certain […]
Nothing like holding on to the past for a year too long. I have finally decided in my little heart that nonprofitgirl could die. This is due in part to the fact that I no longer have the urge to post there, and in part because I…haven’t worked in the non-profit sector for over a […]
Ok, blogging about blogging here. Most of my time spent around here, and the other sites I run for friends, is playing with code, not blogging. Obviously. But I am annoyed enough by WP 2.6 and 2.6.1 that I decided to write about it.
2.6.2 came out a week ago, and it would be awesome […]
Indigo Traders, a family business owned by Karla Bean and Samir Naser, is one of my very favorite shops in Portland. The selection of soaps, textiles, and ceramics makes for a wonderful sensory experience, and on First Friday, their open house includes a veritable feast of Middle Eastern cuisine.
They recently opened an outpost across […]
I can’t help but post when Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize. That makes the month for me.
Now, if he would just win the presidency again.
All of you lit/film criticism junkies out there might enjoy this piece at PopPolitics.
I love intelligent people who can write clearly and accessibly, with a huge dose of brilliance thrown in for added value.
Shortly after learning about the food stamp challenge, I passed the word along to my co-worker, Chris. Like me, he was a little hesitant–it feels a lot like going back to college, for some strange reason. Regardless, he’s signing on too, so we’ll be accountable if one of us shows up to work with a […]
There’s been some buzz about this film lately in the various news blogs I read; it will be opening in select theaters throughout the US on November 13 and will also be screened by many community organizations, churches, universities, etc. The makers of the movie, Brave New Films (witty, isn’t it?) provide the following description […]
Yesterday, many students at Willamette participated in a day of silence in support of Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transsexual etc. rights and equality. Last year, I hadn’t found out about it in time to participate, but I was struck by how much it impacted me, this having intelligent and articulate classmates not contributing to our class discussions.
This year, […]