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Penny Foolish: Schlosser NY Times op-ed discusses migrant worker pay

In an op-ed for today’s New York Times, Fast Food Nation author Eric Schlosser looks at Burger King’s refusal to support a penny-a-pound increase in the price they pay for Florida-grown tomatoes and how this affects the migrant workers who pick the tomatoes. His description of abuses of undocumented migrant workers sounds familiar and provides […]

Since when was Oregon Idaho’s Portugal?!

From our own Oregonian, this lovely advertising image:

Sigh. Still, the Stephen Colbert poster in my office is there to stay. My heart belongs to you, Stephen! Always! Even if I’m late to this particular party.

Sorry for the post unrelated to nonprofitness. At least it’s kind of political.


National Community Action Foundation responds to Labor-HHS veto

Just got this press release from the people at NCAF.

NCAF Blasts Bush’s Veto of Labor-HHS

WASHINGTON (Nov. 13, 2007) Community Action Agencies (CAAs) that administer self-help to low-income Americans nationwide are exasperated by President Bush’s veto of the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education appropriations bill.

“This is the height of hypocrisy,” said National […]

2008 Homeless funding reauthorization and rural communities

The McKinney-Vento Act, which provides funding for a variety of homeless programs, is currently up for reauthorization for 2008. HR 840, the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act, and SB 1518, the Community Partnership to End Homelessness Act (CPEHA), are the House and Senate versions, respectively.

One of the programs I […]

Update: Loan forgiveness for nonprofit employees

It hasn’t been in the news too much, but the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 was a significant piece of legislation that will impact many peoples’ lives. The House Education and Labor Committee described it as “the single largest investment in higher education since the GI Bill” [source]. The President signed the […]

Making note of privilege

I’ve been reading Jeanne’s blog, Social Class and Quakers, since she began writing it in August. It’s one of a large number of Quaker blogs I read, a virtual substitute for the Quaker Meeting I feel I can no longer attend. Her focus is especially compelling to me, for a number of reasons, not the […]

Free books from Ford Family Foundation

The Ford Family Foundation, with which many people in the Oregon nonprofit scene are familiar, has a great resource for Oregon and Siskiyou County, California residents who “want to make a difference in their communities”: a list of some thirty books on leadership, effective organizations, community collaborations, and youth, family, and schools. These are available […]