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The food I’m starting out with

I gathered my receipts from my most recent trip to the grocery store and made a chart of the food purchased on those trips that I plan to consume this week. Their costs are subtracted from the $20 remaining in my budget, after I took $1 off the top for random condiments like salt, pepper, […]

Menu planning on $21 a week

This shouldn’t be too hard for me; for one, I have a pretty good grasp on nutrition, know how to cook from raw ingredients very well, and have actually lived on less than this amount a week for food for extended periods of time. I remember a lot of weeks of eating only rice when […]

Take the food stamp challenge, April 22-28

Oregon Food Bank‘s April Advocacy Alert arrived in the mail at work today. It included an article entitled “Take the food stamp challenge,” which asked for volunteers to sign up to live on a $21 food budget per person for a week, the average food stamp subsidy in Oregon. Starting Sunday April 22, many Oregonians, […]