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Burgerville confusion over the English language continues

I had no idea that the St Johns Burgerville would prove such a treasure trove of linguistic chaos. Witness the June marquee, which Brooks most obligingly photographed for me during last night’s evening perambulation.

Either way, we’re all going to have a good time!


Anatomy of an eviction > part 2 (Wednesday)

We left off the tale of the adventures of our anti-hero as Tuesday night fell. It still felt like Tuesday night when his friends began to arrive Wednesday morning, probably because it was…still night.

4:05 am. Friends of neighbor begin to arrive.

6:00 am. The increasing volume of evictee’s efforts are an effective alarm clock.


Anatomy of an eviction > part 1 (Tuesday)

In retrospect, I should have lived blogged this. For that huge FAIL, I will always be sorry. We were, however, very caught up in the memorable moments of the past few days.

Background: ex-felon who rents the house across the street is a nuisance. He hits on the women in the neighborhood, married and single, […]

Asparagus takeover at Burgerville?

I have been puzzled for several weeks about what this sign outside of the St Johns Burgerville could possibly mean:

St. Johns Bridge

(Click image for larger version)

This is from several weeks ago. We were driving over the bridge, and the sky seemed typical of Portland’s sunshine mixed with storm clouds of this time of year.


Not a lucky dining choice

I nodded my head in agreement to most of the predictable recommendations for where to go when visiting Portland in a recent Shelterrific post. Part of me thinks there would be a lot less for bloggers to write about if they were required to first Google whether the question had previously been asked and answered, […]

ADA parking in an ideal world

We went to the grocery store the other night, and it was really cold out. Despite getting the handicapped space nearest the door, I still started complaining about the cold as soon as I got out of the car. Note that these are paraphrased, as I have awful verbal recall of conversations.

Me: Oh my […]

Wasted beer and flash

While having a really good beer this evening at The 5th Quadrant, I was reminded of a terrible beer we tried at Alameda Brewhouse a couple weeks back. The two don’t really have anything in common, besides being beer.

Or so the server at Alameda Brewhouse claimed; in fact, their random blond seasonal she talked […]

Table talk

Yesterday, we had a short shopping outing that I consider successful. How successful? Living room and dining room furniture for Brooks: check.

In a mere three or so hours of hobbling (my foot continues to be painful), he and I found not just a couch and two living room chairs made of awesome, but also […]

Living in Portland: Indigo Traders in Multnomah Village

Indigo Traders, a family business owned by Karla Bean and Samir Naser, is one of my very favorite shops in Portland. The selection of soaps, textiles, and ceramics makes for a wonderful sensory experience, and on First Friday, their open house includes a veritable feast of Middle Eastern cuisine.

They recently opened an outpost across […]