It would be something of an intellectual schizophrenia for me to attend church every um–once and a while–and say that it was purely for the entertainment and not because there’s something in it that I need and believe. Now, exactly what that is, I’m not quite sure.
What I do know is that last night as I knelt during the Good Friday service at my parish, I thought about what a travesty it is that the Reserved Sacraments denote sacraments that have already been consecrated, not a better kind of wine. But I also thought about this celebration of the central event in the Christian tradition, the passion, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Putting aside where you stand on the literal event, it is a rather highly symbolic and hope-giving concept. I say hope because most of us will at one point or another experience suffering and pain, and to believe that a better life can come out of them can be comforting. Sometimes, at least.